The Top 5 Actors Who Play Latinos In The Movies

Now we all know there are few outlets for Latino actors in Hollywood to begin with, but  something that never sat well with me as a  movie watcher is how weird it is that white people can play Latinos, but Latinos rarely get to play whites (unless you’re Jennifer Lopez).

So we wanted to put together a list of the top few non-Latino actors who play Latino characters, thanks to Oscar Barajas for the help:

1. Marlon Brando played Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata in the 1952 film “¡Viva Zapata!” (exclamation marks included)

2. Al Pacino played a Cuban in the 1983 film “Scarface

3. Natalie Wood played a Puerto Rican in 1961’s classic “West Side Story” (she even had the terrible fake accent!)

4. Madonna in the 1996 film “Evita,” where she played Argentine Eva Perón.

5. Finally, for the biggest culprit, Antonio Banderas, who has played a Latino in just about all of his films, but is in fact, European:

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