Guapura 101: 5 Easy Ways To Exercise For 30 Minutes

Last week I wrote about 5 healthy things you could do today — I think it makes it easier to live a healthy lifestyle when you can break it down that way. This week I wanted to suggest some similarly easy ways you can do about 30 minutes of exercise this very day.

1. Take a walk during your lunch hour.

I know it sounds lame, and if you live in a hot place it’s tricky because of getting sweaty, but if you think about it, this is the perfect chance to get some exercise in. You don’t have to add anything to your schedule, you can bring a lunch and go for a leisurely walk, come back to work relaxed and go straight home without having to take a side trip before dinner.

2. Take a post-dinner stroll with the family.

It’s a nice way to promote family bonding, feels nice after dinner, and it allows you to get some walking in before you head to bed for the day.

3. Walk or ride your bike to the store.

If you grew up in a neighborhood like mine, there was a corner store where you’d sometimes to to pick up some extra milk or eggs before your weekly grocery run. My store was about a 10-minute roundtrip, but you can also take the “long way” or add a few laps around the block to get a little more exercise into something you have to do anyway.

4. Take your child or dog to the park.

There have been times when I’ve visited friends with children and the first thing we do is take a quick trip to the park to get the kid tuckered out before his afternoon nap. Dogs, also, can get crazy with company and do well with a walk. The upside is that, you too get in a quick bit of exercise when you take the time to do so.

5. Instead of watching the morning news, listen to it on the radio as you walk around the neighborhood.

I haven’t really owned a television set for the past 10 years, so not watching television is not a sacrifice for me. I can see how your morning routine becomes easy to rely on, just think about the possibilites, though, of instead of watching TV in your pyjamas for 30 minutes, you quickly changed into some workout clothes, picked up your radio (or phone, these days) and listened to the headlines while you walked. Two birds with one stone!

Hope these were helpful, let me know if I missed any!

Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD

[Photo By Josiah Mackenzie]

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