What Does Osama Bin Laden’s Death Mean For Latinos?

By Henry Flores, Ph.D.

To answer my own question: It means a lot of things and it also may have no meaning at all. Ha, you thought my question rhetorical?

The sudden and fortuitous demise of Osama Bin Laden has many implications globally and nationally. The quick and decisive action on the part of the president in this matter lifted his popularity numbers almost 20 points over night. This works to his advantage on several levels and to that of Latinos in particular.

Obama’s political edge is good for Latinos.

The president’s popularity gives him a public policy edge that he can exploit in many areas. Just before the covert operation the president had been meeting with representatives of the national Hispanic leadership and a cross-section of stakeholders on immigration reform. The president also is pursuing educational initiatives unique to the Latino community. What he needs to do now is parley his popularity to push through the final legislation on immigration.

Evidence that the president has the Republican dominated House of Representatives right where he wants them was clear when almost immediately after the operation the GOP backed off of their hardest position on the national budget and came much closer to the president. The house leadership denied that Osama Bin Laden’s passing had anything to do with their action. They did, however, all over the national media appear quite defensive. It was amusing observing them trying to praise the president for the dramatic action, that frankly should and could have been taken much earlier, while trying to remain reserved enough that they could come back at the president as soon as they found an opening. What were the Republicans going to do accuse the president of being too hawkish or of lacking leadership abilities?

Goals: DREAM Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform

The president is at an advantage now and he needs to use this unique opportunity to push for much needed immigration reform. We need the DREAM Act, amnesty for all folks that are here sin documentos, and the creation of a path to legalization and citizenship for those that will come in the future.

I spent a great deal of time trying to think of what the killing of Osama Bin Laden meant and, at least to me, it has many implications. It means that the titular head, the very symbol of international terrorism, has been erased in just a few quick minutes. A signal has been sent to his followers that we are relentless and we will do what we say. It may take us some time but we will pursue and capture or kill terrorists. His network still remains. Others will take up his standard and try and execute reprisals against the United States; this is to be expected.

On the other hand our president has shown that he can lead from up front, that he can be decisive, que tiene ganas, and that he will act. Now all he has to do is carry this newfound presence into the fights on immigration, education, health care and jobs. After all, these are the issues most important to Latinos. Asi, te esperamos Sr. Presidente. We are waiting for you, Mr. President, to see si tienes ganas to do what is right for the Latino community.

[Photo by US Embassy New Zealand]

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