Latinos In The U.S. Search For Loved Ones In Mexican Mass Grave

We wrote previously about the mass grave discovered recently in Northern Mexico, but what one reporter from the Fronteras: Changing America Desk News found was that people in the United States who have long ago not heard from their loved ones are traveling to Tamaulipas to see if their family members are among the dead.

Families have come from all over the U.S., more than 500 according to the report. They’ve giving DNA samples for testing to see if their loved ones, missing for months or years, are among the dead found in San Fernando, Tamaulipas.

Hernán Rozemberg reports:

Jorge Ayala was watching Spanish-language evening news at his home in Riverside, California, about a week ago when he bolted out of the sofa. He asked his wife to hurry and pack a suitcase, and then, they drove 26 hours to this border city of Matamoros, across the border from Brownsville, Texas. Now Ayala nervously paces outside a government building. He’s waiting for his wife to come out with her elderly father, who was flown from North Carolina to give a DNA sample. They hope it will match the DNA of one of the many bodies brought to the morgue next door. Guadalupe Torres, Ayala’s brother in law, disappeared three years ago.

“Hopefully we find something, you know, because my wife, all she wants, if he’s dead, to at least have a body. Or part of the body.”

To learn more about the grave, or to listen to the report, click here.

[Image By Lokal_Profil]

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