News Taco To Go: Arizona’s Law, Budget, Civil War, Japan’s Radiation And More
The judges of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that Arizona’s immigration law, SB 1070, was unconstitutional.
Today is the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War.
The $38 billion in budget cuts affect earmarks, unspent Census money, highway and construction monies, some healthcare money, $600 million to community health centers, $414 for state/local police grants, the EPA, the National Institutes of Health and family planning programs, among others.
Japan’s nuclear crisis has been upgraded to equal the disaster of Chernobyl, mostly because radiation has contaminated everything in the surrounding area, from water to soil to air to vegetables.
President Barack Obama is set to lay out his own budget priorities this week in a speech; even going to far as to talk Medicare cuts.
[Photo By Nevele Otseog]