Stephanie’s Spanish (Mexican) Rice

My sister and I spent many afternoons at my Tía Lupita’s house when we were kids. We were always welcomed by a hot Mexican meal that was usually accompanied by a side of hot, aromatic, slightly spicy Spanish rice. Last year, I shared an apartment with my first roommate ever who happens to be a wonderful cook and — to my pleasant surprise — makes a mean pot of Spanish rice.

Stephanie’s rice is delicious and has just the right hint of spice. Her rice bears a close resemblance and taste to my tia’s rice — but retains its own unique characteristics and flavor — that I came home to so many times after a long day of school. Thanks to Stephanie, I got to come home to a wonderful, traditional Mexican dish after a long day at my university.


  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 cup long grain rice
  • Onion, chopped, to taste
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 bell pepper, chopped
  • Cilantro, chopped, to taste
  • 1 – 1 1/2 tablespoons Knorr Caldo de Tomate soup dry base


  • Heat oil in a large sauce pan.
  • Add rice and brown.
  • Add the onion and sauté with the browned rice.
  • Once the onions have sweated, add water, bell pepper and cilantro.
  • Next, add Knorr Caldo de Tomatoe soup dry base.
  • Mix everything together and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce the mixture to a simmer, cover and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Check the rice before the fifteen minutes are up to see if it needs more water. If the rice is still a little hard then add a little more water and simmer for a couple more minutes until all the liquid has evaporated.

When the rice is nice and tender it is done. Enjoy!

 Here’s a hint:
 For every one cup of rice, add 2 cups of water.
I usually add about a tablespoon and a half of Knorr Caldo de Tomate but you can taste your rice before add the extra half tablespoon. If it is too bland then feel free to add the remaining half.

Source: Stephanie Nicole Resendez

[Photo By VirtualErn]

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