President Obama Will do Education Town Hall on Univision

Fresh from his trip to Latin America President Barack Obama will make an appearance before the second largest Latino community in the world: Spanish television. The White House confirmed that the President will take part in an education town hall on Univision. The program is scheduled for March 28, and according to the Huffington Post

Titled “Noticias Univision Presenta: Es El Momento — El Presidente, Los Hispanos y la Educación” (The Moment is Now: The President, Hispanics and Education), the town hall forum will feature President Obama discussing the state of Hispanic educational attainment in the U.S. with students, parents and teachers.

They say that the program includes questions from the audience, so if you’re interested you can pose your query at this Univision site.

Our friend and blogger Henry Flores just returned from a trip to Argentina where he tells me that there is a growing resentment towards President Obama for his lack of a decisive Latin American policy. I say they should be careful what they ask for…but in any case his trip across Latin America could signal the beginning of  a larger concerted effort to include Latinos in his policies. The disappointment felt in Henry Flores’ anecdotes are mirrored by many Latinos in the US; they feel that the president has done little besides make grand promises to the Latino community.

Education is a great place to start a serious conversation, and a town hall on Spanish television sends a signal that he’s got the Latino community in mind.

“This is not just a Latino problem. This is an American problem. We’ve got to solve it, because if we allow these trends to continue, it won’t just be one community that falls behind. We will all fall behind together.”

It’s exactly what we’ve been saying at News Taco all along.

Follow Victor Landa on Twitter: @vlanda

[Photo Courtesy Allison Harger]

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