Thousands Converge in Austin, TX, to Protest Immigration Bill

The outrage is spreading.

We first reported weeks ago about the rash of state level immigration bills that was spreading across the country and about how these bills were no more than political theater designed to  hammer a polarizing wedge for political gain. Latinos were seen as mere collateral damage; we don’t vote, so…

But now Latinos have begun to respond. In Utah and in Austin, Texas Latinos have converged on the state capitol to state their very loud and emphatic case.

Three thousand activists from across Texas rallied at the steps of the capitol to, according to the Austin-American Statesman,

try to persuade members of the Legislature not to back some 60 immigration bills that he said are anti-immigrant, anti-family and anti-law enforcement.

Bexar County Justice of the Peace Steve Walker was in Austin attending a state JP event when he came upon the massive rally. He took pictures and posted them in his blog The Walker Report. We expect more of the same in Texas and across the country.

[Photo courtesy The Walker Report]

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