NewsTaco To Go: Super Bowl, Jobs, Layoffs, E.Coli And Babies

The Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl, beating the Pittsburg Steelers 31-25.

President Barack Obama is trying to increase job growth and help mend the economy by reaching out to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in an address today.

Layoffs are slowing down, even as the unemployed have an increasingly hard time finding a job.

Babies who eat solid food too soon may be more obese; a new study shows that babies raised on formula who started eating solid food before 4 months old ran a higher risk of obesity than those that started eating solids between 4 and 6 months.

3,000 pounds of ground beef were recalled; the beef was produced on January 31 and sent to restaurants.

[Image Courtesy Green Bay Packers’ Facebook]

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