NewsTaco To Go: Cold, TSA, Juárez, Immigration, Middle East

The Middle East continues to boil over, the TSA tests new body scanners, undocumented immigration has remained stable in the U.S., it’s cold across the country and Ciudad Juárez sees a bloody 48 hours.

Cold took hold of the U.S. from New Mexico to Maine, even though it’s Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring.

Undocumented immigration remained stable over the last year, according to a report from the Pew Hispanic Center. In 2009 there were 11.1 million living in the U.S. in 2009 and 11.2 million last year.

The TSA is testing new body scanners that don’t produce images of one’s body, but rather, “cookie cutter” images that look the same for everyone, but point to items of interest on one’s body.

Leaders in Egypt and Yemen vowed not to seek re-election as protests continue and government forces try to reel them in.

14 were killed within 48 hours in Ciudad Juárez and by Tuesday a newspaper distributor and municipal police officer were among the dead.

[Photo By Marcin Wichary]

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