What This Latina Can Learn From Jack LaLanne

If you’re anything at all like me, then you may have outlined some new fitness guidelines for yourself as part of your 2011 New Year’s Resolutions. Or, perhaps your genetic code is set for “husky” as opposed to “svelte” and eating anything with more than 3 carbs means that you’ll be working it off later. In any case, the passing of crazy-in-shape-guy Jack LaLanne makes an interesting case for what we can all learn about fitness.

I didn’t grow up watching Jack LaLanne or anything, but as I grew up and tried to figure out how to get my voluptuous body in the best and healthiest shape possible, I came across his work. He hit the nail on the head, even as all these fad diets have come and gone:  Eat and exercise well.

What else do you need?

As someone who comes from a family where lots of people have diabetes, I have begun to worry about my health as I get older. I don’t buy sugar purposefully because, as I am wont to tell people, pastries are my kryptonite (or ice cream!). And, as far as I know, sugar is not a good thing for someone predisposed to diabetes to be consuming. I also avoid white carbs, drink moderately and try to exercise as much as possible.

The upside to all of this food management on my part is that I’m able to keep my booty in much more reasonable shape, especially with regular exercise. I think where I differ from LaLanne is in his intensity. He didn’t eat sugar for, like, 80 years. Yeah, that’s not happening for me. He exercised every single day. Um, not when finals come around. Ultimately, I admire LaLanne’s hard core health attitude, and it’s inspirational for me to think that someone transformed that amount of self-control into a lifestyle, although I’m going to take his attitude towards health in moderation.

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