King Snubbed for Immigration Chair: Pouts

Pobrecito King. It’s not so much the story in the Hufington Post that caught my attention as much as it was the picture of a pouting Steven King.

King, R-Iowa, was expecting to be named Chair of a Judiciary sub-committee on Immigration. He had the credentials, the experience, and his dues-card was marked off as paid. But he was passed up.

Technically it was Lamar Smith, R-Texas, who did the snubbing, but it’s understood that Speaker John Boehner made the call. So what did King do? According to the HuffPost he threw a Congressional tantrum:

“John Boehner isn’t very aggressive on immigration,” King told National Journal this weekend, adding that the GOP’s “Pledge to America,” a guiding document for the new era of Republican leadership, provides little language about the issues of immigration or border security. “It’s the tiniest section,” he told the Journal.

King is an immigration hard-liner and Boehner may have thought that Smith’s was enough of a heavy hand in the Judiciary Committee. Boehner’s pick was Rep. Elton Gallegly, R-California, who holds his own in the immigration hawk club, he’s just not as well known. We don’t know, yet, if he pouts.

As for King, the HuffPost says:

…he plans to forge ahead with his own efforts to combat illegal immigration, including a bill that would pick away at the birthright-citizenship guarantees provided by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
“I’m going to be okay with it. I’m going to be okay,” King said. “I’ll say, ‘Sign on to King’s anchor baby bill’ for example. That’s how you get things done … Then the guy with the gavel hears it.”

I’m thinking Boehner needs to hear from a Latina mom to tell him how to handle a güerco chiflado. Any takers?

[Photo courtesy Huffington Post]

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