New Latino Mayor in Providence, RI

Providence, Rhode Island, is debuting its first and new Latino Mayor. Angel Taveras, 40, was sworn-in in a small, private ceremony at his home surrounded by his family. Part of his inaurgural speech was read in Spanish.

“Cerca de aqui nuestro fundador, Roger Williams, sembró la semilla que se convertiría en Providence, una comunidad de individuos que rehusaron aceptar ciegamente las normas y el pensamiento convencional de la época.
Esta fe en la autodeterminación ayudo a convertir a Providence en una ciudad dinámica caracterizada por su creatividad y recursividad.
Hoy, con mi investidura como el alcalde trijésimo-séptimo de esta gran ciudad, Providence se re-encuentra con la historia.”

So who is this guy? The Boston Globe described him like this:

“Taveras, 40, a Democrat, is the son of immigrants from the Dominican Republic. He grew up poor on the city’s South Side and went on to Harvard and the law school at Georgetown University. He was a lawyer in private practice who specialized in election law before being elected mayor in November.”

And now he’s the Mayor of Providence who vowed to mind the city coffers. Again the Globe: “He said the city faces a serious budget deficit and an unfunded pension liability of $800 million, just as state and federal funds are drying up.
‘Let me be clear: The time for Providence to take control of its financial future is now,’ he said.”

We’ll keep an eye on Alcalde Taveras and let you know how he’s doing.

[Photo by Jef Nickerson]

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