Birthright Battle Looms

I think this is more than a mere battle line. This is digging the trenches, filling the sandbags and raising the flag. There’s gonna be a fight.

A cadre of state senators from across the country (they won’t say exactly how many, so a cadre could mean three or four) will convene in Washington to declare their assault on the 14th amendment. They say its a defense of the amendment. In reality though, its the newest offensive on an old front; they’re taking the immigration fight to the states.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:

“They are taking aim at the 14th Amendment, which grants U.S. citizenship to children born here even if their parents are in the country illegally. The lawmakers disagree with that practice, complaining illegal immigrants and their children are sapping taxpayer-funded services and attracting more illegal immigrants to the United States.”

The group of state legislators from 40 states who call themselves State Legislators for Legal Immigration-including Daryl Metcalfe, from Pennsylvania and Jack Murphy, from Georgia-are proposing measures at the state level that “could include legislation aimed at withholding state benefits and services from children born here to illegal immigrants.”

Metcalfe pulls no punches. He was quoted in the AJC: “Everyone who is coming to the press conference is supportive of the concept of ending the illegal alien invasion and ending the incentives that attract illegal aliens onto our soil.”

Invasion? MALDEF and the Asian American Legal Advocacy Center of Georgia are already preparing a defense. The idea, supposedly, is to take the issue to the US Supreme Court where it will cost the taxpayers money. The strategy is to make it a state’s rights issue; again, the states trying to supersede the constitution.

(Notice how I got through this entire post without using the term “anchor baby”…snap!)

[Photo by joewcampbell]

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