Latino Youth Leadership = Salsa Music and Pizza

One of the great American traits is improvisation. From a nation of immigrants, one of our greatest cultural gifts to the world has been Jazz, the quintessential improvisation. But it come sin other forms as well. Immigrants, as a rule, are great improvisers, doing what’s needed to be done with whatever there is at hand to do it. Latino immigrants are world-class improvisers. We can fix a carburetor with a piece of gum and a paper-clip, feed a family of four on a pot of beans and a prayer.

This item screams improvisation, in a high school in Jackson Hole Wyoming, of all places. The leaders of a Latina leadership group wanted to fill the void of no similar group for Latino boys, so they put one together, put on some salsa tunes and asked the kids to dance. Viola! Add a little pizza and they were up and running.

It’s a great story, does a heart good.

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