Obama Meets With Hispanic Caucus, Talks Immigration

There’s bad news in the Comprehensive Immigration Reform front (not that we didn’t see it coming). President Obama met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus yesterday. The bostonherald.com reports:

“President Barack Obama and Latino lawmakers agreed during a private meeting Tuesday that over the next two years, chances are dimming for passage of an immigration overhaul that would provide a path to legal status for millions of illegal residents, according to people familiar with the session.”

The plan for the next two years is to circle the wagons and “stave off”  any legislation that would target undocumented persons. But Obama can’t seem to resist the opportunity to make a promise. He told the Latino caucus that “he was not giving up on trying to pass an immigration overhaul, a campaign promise he made during his 2008 presidential bid. He said he would mention the issue in his State of the Union speech next month, a move that Democrats hopes might pressure Republican lawmakers to accommodate the fast-growing Latino voting bloc.”

Veremos, dijo el ciego.

[Photo by ProgressOhio]

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