Undocumented Immigrants Are At Your Holiday Table

This is good, very good.

A commentary written by Bill McEwen published in the Fresno Bee that puts the Thanksgiving feast in proper perspective.

When you eat today, thank a farmer — and an illegal immigrant, he says. It’s the perspective from the heart of California’s Central Valley, one of the country’s most productive agriculture areas in the state that’s at the heart of the immigration reform debate.

A group there has already gained the right to gather signatures for a petition that would put Arizona-like measures on the ballot in 2012. So McEwen’s timing is on target: 

It’s easy for some people to demonize illegal immigrants; it requires a bit of nerve and intellectual honesty to challenge entire industries and the politicians who serve them. So, around here, we prefer self-delusion over self-examination, rallying behind farmers (and their fight for water) while protesting the public costs of illegal immigration.

What we have now is a spectacle in the political arena .Republicans, Democrats and talk-show hosts” McEwen writes, ” give impassioned speeches to rile the masses, then retire to their homes cleaned by — guess who?”

You can read the entire piece HERE.

[Photo by Craig Camp]

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