The Invisibles: The Perils of Immigrants Crossing Mexico

I posted this yesterday, but because of technical glitches it was accidentally lost. I should thank you for that, your response to NewsTaco has been so great that we’ve had to make changes to accommodate your needs. So in the process my post about Gael García Bernal’s latest and most fantastic film disappeared.

Here it is again.

Bernal produced the film The Invisibles together with Amnesty International. It documents the perils and abuses that Central and South American immigrants suffer in their journey across Mexico en route to the US.

The film is at once a portrait of the immigrant experience and an indictment of the Mexican Government that has done little or nothing to protect foreigners within their borders. It reveals the hypocrisy of  the Mexican central government that demands human rights for its citizens in the united States yet fails to provide them for immigrants on their soil.

It’s a must see.

The film is in four parts. I’ve posted the first part here, and you can go to Amnesty International’s website to watch the rest.

[Photo courtesy Amnsty International]

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