Men Happier When Doing Housework, Seriously

It was music to my ears to hear that researchers at the Lancaster University management school in the United Kingdom found that fathers are happier overall “when they do more of the housework themselves, spend longer with their children and have working partners who are in the office just as long as they are.”


Turns out fathers de-stress when they share with their partners.  The study, called “Work Life Balance: Working for Fathers?”  More than 1,100 working fathers were interviewed for the study, which also found that men are very often “seriously stressed,” especially those with either one or three children.  Those with two were less stressed.  Also, “fathers who do more housework are less stressed than those who do a smaller amount; and fathers whose partners work full-time have a better sense of wellbeing than those whose partners work part-time.”

Ay, papito, te ves bien guapo lavando los trastes.  Does that sound like a good pickup line?

[Image via stacy michelle]

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