New Mexico Governor-Elect says No, No! to SB1070

We’re beginning to get a taste of how things will unfold after the election dust settles.  New Mexico Governor-elect Republican Susana Martinez made clear how she feels about Arizona’s controversial SB1070.

In an interview aired on Univision she said “No, no, I don’t want that for New Mexico.” No, no is good, good!  She is, though, against drivers licenses for undocumented workers.

You can read the story HERE.

Of course, now come the caveats. Governor-elect Martinez is Latina, from New Mexico. Should we have expected any different?

The answer is going to say a lot about Latino politics in general.  What expectations does the Latino community have for Latino leaders? Are conservative Latinos expected to change the hard held ideologies of the right? Does the Latino community as a whole have a right to expect that?  Is it possible that Martinez feels the way she does about AZsb1070 because she lives in a border state? Does any of it mater?

[Photo courtesy]

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