GOP’s Voter Fraud, aka, Anti-Immigrant Sentiment

The New York Times wrote a piece this week about how obsessed “conservative activists” seem to be with voter fraud these days.  Basically, if you look at it, the idea of voter fraud is a thinly veiled reason to racially profile and target poor and minority voters.

Here’s a fact:  “A report by the public-integrity section of the Justice Department found that from October 2002 to September 2005, the department charged 95 people with ‘election fraud’; 55 were convicted.”

So where’s the widespread epidemic of voter fraud?

The article goes on to articulate a barrage of “reasons” that don’t pertain to racism that “conservative activists” are concerned about this.  The truth is, as Carlos Guerra pointed out in a previous post, this “watchdog” activity on the part of conservatives is really just an opportunity for them to act out their racist tendencies.

Then there’s Michele Malkin, everyone’s favorite self-hating conservative, who says there’s been a “rather long-standing alliance between the illegal alien lobby and the Democrat Party” to leverage the “illegal alien swing vote.”  Apparently, she doesn’t understand that “illegal aliens” can’t vote, but that’s her point, right?  I wanted to watch the rest of the video, but I couldn’t punish myself that way.  Perhaps you have more fortitude.

Why aren’t these “conservative activists” concerned about American companies shipping American jobs overseas?  Why didn’t they care about voter fraud when the Supreme Court decided who the president was in 2000?  Where was their concern when the budget deficit was growing at alarming rates under President Bush?

The message is clear:  if you’re brown and out to vote, watch out, and if you have any problems, please feel free to share your tips with us.  You can do so on Facebook, Twitter or email me at

[Image via Infrogmation; Video via TPMtv]

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