Arizona’s Governor’s Long Lost DUI

Arizona governor, immigrant hater and signer of the SB 1070 anti-immigrant bill in Arizona Jan Brewer loves the law — as long as it doesn’t apply to her.  The proof is in the pudding.  Back when she was a state senator in 1988, apparently, she had one Scotch too many and ended up on the verge of a DUI.

The Arizona Republic reports:

“DPS officers at the scene believed Brewer was intoxicated. Unsteady on her feet, her breath smelling of alcohol, Brewer failed a series of field sobriety tests.

Brewer was placed in handcuffs and taken to a DPS station, where she was supposed to undergo a test to determine her blood-alcohol level. But no test was ever performed. After a discussion with a DPS lieutenant, two officers drove Brewer home.

At the scene, Brewer told officers she had “one scotch.” Later, at the station, she said she had had two. At the time, she denied being drunk.

And the case never went to a judge or jury.”

You can see the document here.

[Image via The White House]

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