Lauren Valle’s Head Stomped on Camera by High Rand Paul Supporter

It is, by any measure, a shocking piece of video.

And to think that it happened in the United States — before a political debate began involving the Tea-bagger-leaning GOP senatorial candidate Rand Paul — is particularly disturbing.

A waifish woman, a self-identified member of MoveOn.Org, was chased and cornered by large, oafish men, she said. An attempt to grab her by the hair was foiled when her blond mane turned out to be a wig, but she did trip and fall to the ground.

Once down, the large men restrained her and wrestled her toward a curb, and while she was in a fetal position, one of her attackers stomped his foot, first, into her shoulder, and then to her head and neck.

The 23-year-old victim is Lauren Valle, who has lived in New York for five years and is a Columbia graduate. Valle says that before the attack, she had repeatedly shouted to Rand, hoping to get his attention so she could get a picture of herself giving him a satirical certificate designating him “employee of the month” of “Republicorp.”

She has also said she believes she was identified and targeted prior to the attack.

The stomper is Tim Profitt, a leading volunteer in the Rand Paul Campaign and, until he was fired Tuesday, served as Paul’s campaign coordinator for Kentucky’s Bourbon County. Federal Election Committee filings indicate that he also contributed $1,900 to Paul’s campaign, and a woman who appears to be his wife contributed an additional $600.

Tuesday, Profitt apologized, telling the Associated Press, “I’m sorry that it came to that, and I apologize if it appeared overly forceful, but I was concerned about Rand’s safety.”

Yes, I suppose that when a 110-pound young woman in a wig — with probably twice the combined education of her attackers — attempts to exercise her First Amendment rights, it threatens goons who must then take things into their own hands!

Amazing! And they call progressives Nazis?


Late Tuesday, Salon.Com’s Warroom reported that Tim Profitt has been served a criminal summons for his attack of Lauren Valle.


Fresh from the ¡Qué puntadas! Department: Stomper tells local TV news he deserves an apology from the stompee!

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