Five Syrian asylum seekers surrender at Texas border crossing

*This is to set the record straight, because among the things that most hurt us is our own easy belief in lies, misinformation and conjecture that thrives on social media. So no, Syrians were not apprehend at the border. Over the span of a week 13 Syrians turned themselves in to border authorities in Laredo and that’s a very different story. The 13, two families and others, were placed in detention, their backgrounds checked and turned over to federal authorities. Some fear-mongering internet publishers have said the 13 were “caught,” and that Syrians were “testing the border.” We need to be careful because stories like this one add misinformed fuel to the border security issue. There’s no stream of terrorists coming across the border, and we’d do well to think twice and verify information before sharing. VL
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske, The Los Angeles Times
For the second time in a week a group of Syrian migrants presented themselves at a Texas border crossing to seek asylum, evidence some say that more will be making the journey from Europe as anti-Syrian sentiment spreads after the Paris attacks.
Five Syrians arrived at the busy Laredo crossing on Friday — two men, a couple and their child, according to a Homeland Security statement released Saturday.
“Officers took the group into custody and as a standard procedure, checked their identities against numerous law enforcement and national security related databases,” the statement said. “Records checks revealed no derogatory information about the individuals.”
Officials turned the Syrians over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for processing and placement at detention centers, the statement said.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo via Wikimedia]