Could Sheriff Joe Arpaio End Up Wearing Pink Underwear In His Own Jail?

*A little “inside baseball” in the Joe Arpaio contempt story. At first Sherriff Joe refused to admitt that he and his Sheriff’s department actively engaged in profiling. Last week he changed his playbook and admitted that he did, in fact, profile on three occasions (the three that were documented and he couldn’t deny). But it turns out that Arpaio’s contrition isn’t about admiting wrongdoing, it’s about self preservation. By admiting to the profiling he’s trying to avoid criminal charges, keeping his penalty in a civil court where he could make a tax-deductible charity donation. The Judge says he “want’s to see a personal sacrifice.” VL
By J.D. Tuccile, Reason
Oh, OK. Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is unlikely to bake under the desert sun, wearing his prisoners’ trademark pink underwearin one of his signature jail tents any time soon. He runs a county jail, after all, and he facesfederal criminal charges. But after two decades of spying on political opponents, abusing prisoners, terrifying immigrants, and taxpayers picking up the tab for all of the above, it’s fun to think about.
The toughest sheriff in America’s current troubles were telegraphed exactly a year ago, when U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow, who had earlier ordered Arpaio and company to stop targeting Latinos for extra scrutiny and mistreatment, blew his stack in court.
Last week, Arpaio “acknowledged he violated U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow’s orders on three instances, including a 2011 court order to stop detaining people solely on the suspicion they are in the country illegally.” The admission came as part of an effort to keep his penalty in civil court—maybe, he suggested, he could make a tax-deductible charitable donation.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr]