Will Latinos Turn Texas Blue?”

*A response to an article published in Politico that claims that Texas won’t be turning politically blue, even though Latinos will soon be the majority in that state. Dr. Henry Flores takes that GOP point of view to task. VL
By Dr. Henry Flores, NewsTaco
I don’t know who is more desperate, Republican pundits or Republicans generally but the worst nightmare that both these groups have is waking up one morning and discovering that the State of Texas has been taken over by Latinos, the official language of the state has been changed to Spanish and Anglos need to show up and reregister to vote with only proof of citizenship from the national government!
In yesterday’s POLITICO Wayne Thorburn wrote an essay short on substance about how “Hispanics Won”t Turn Texas Blue” any time soon. The problems with Mr. Thorburn’s essay are a lack of solid data, weak analysis, and inane observations. Let me show you why I say what I say.
The Data
The clearest information that Mr. Thorburn throws at us is that as of 2014 the population of Texas was 26 million of which “some 10 million” are Hispanic. And, then he obfuscates reality by putting forth some numbers that try to give the reader the impression that there is only a very few Latinos left to worry about. Besides, those of us left over who can vote, according to a well-known Republican pollster, are conservative anyway so we’ll probably vote for Republican Party candidates in the next election regardless of any Democratic Party registration efforts.
Mr. Thorburn is correct about Texas going Republican in presidential elections going back to 1980; and, at the presidential level this may continue into the next election. But then, it may not and that is why Mr. Thorburn writes what he does.
Why Latinos Won’t Vote in Overwhelming Numbers for Republicans?
What is missing from the POLITICO article is a touch of reality. No matter what Republicans do to appear to attempt to attract Latinos to their side Latinos will not vote for Republican Party candidates at more than a 35% rate, ever. Why? Because the way Republicans talk about us makes us not want to be in the same room with them! Besides the insulting ways in which Republicans speak about immigrants the way they have tried to manipulate the electoral place to dilute our voting power contradicts everything they say about wanting to include us in their constituency base.
The recent Texas redistricting law suit and the trial looking at the Voter ID Bill reveal that Republican operatives did everything in their power to draw representative districts that would render Latino voters impotent in several congressional districts. The testimony surrounding the Voter ID Bill made it clear that this law was designed to make it difficult for Latinos, older and younger voters to participate in elections.
I don’t know about some of you but I for one cannot associate politically with someone who doesn’t like me and is trying to do everything in his power to prevent my vote from counting. Remember what our abuelas said dime con quien andas y te dire quen eres. I for one intend honoring my abuela and not insulting her memory.
Will Texas Ever Turn Blue?
I think what the Democrats are doing this election cycle is laying the ground work that will pay dividends in 2016. What will turn Texas blue is a combination of demographics, Republican efforts at trying to deny Latinos the vote, and a strong Democratic Party grass roots effort. Besides, our abuelas will be watching over the entire process anyway so for sure Republicans don’t stand a chance.
Henry Flores, PhD, is a Distinguished University Research Professor, Institute of Public Administration and Public Service; Director, Masters in Public Administration (MPA); Professor of International Relations and Political Science at St. Mary’s University.
[Photo by George Olcott/Flickr]