George Zimmerman, not so black or white
By Teresa Puente, Chicanísima
George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. There is no disputing that and whether he did so in self-defense as he claims or as some sort of macho vigilante act will soon be decided by the jury.
We know that this case has racial overtones although it was not prosecuted as a hate crime.
Young African-American men like Martin are wrongfully viewed by many as criminal suspects because of how they look or dress. Wearing a hoodie made Martin a suspect walking through Zimmerman’s neighborhood.
But how Zimmerman identifies racially or ethnically is far more complex. He is half Hispanic and half white. His mother is of Peruvian heritage. Some media have dubbed Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic.”
That label has confused some. Who is a white Hispanic?
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo courtesy Seminole County Sheriff`s Office]