San Antonio Mayor Castro To Keynote Democratic Convention
By Victor Landa, NewsTaco Editor
Breaking news this morning, the Associated Press is reporting that San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro has been chosen to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention.
The choice was announced this morning, making this the first time that a Latino will deliver the high profile speech scheduled for the evening of September 4. According to the AP report:
Castro, 37, is the youngest mayor of a major U.S. city and the first Hispanic selected to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic convention.
As keynote speaker, Castro will step into the same role that propelled Obama into the national political spotlight. Then a little-known state lawmaker running for Senate from Illinois, Obama delivered the convention keynote in 2004, winning wide praise from Democrats as a rising star in the party.
The choice may be seen as a way to solidify the President’s Latino support that, although polling in the high 60%, is still lackluster in enthusiasm. President Bill Clinton will adress the convention the day after Castro.
[Photo by Victor Escalante]