Would Mitt Romney Veto The DREAM Act? “The Answer Is Yes”

Over the weekend Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was asked in Iowa whether he would veto the DREAM Act if Congress passed it. His answer was “yes” — but then it got all confusing.

He ventured into saying that he was going to stop illegal immigration if he were elected president — by putting up a border fence, which already exists. Oh, and he said if the children of immigrants to serve the military, he would be in favor of granting them some form of path to citizenship. Here’s the video:

The DNC Senior Advisor for Hispanic Affairs, Juan Sepúlveda made this statement in response to Romney:

If there had been doubt in anyone’s mind—least of all, Hispanics in America, that Mitt Romney’s far-right views on immigration would make him the most extreme presidential nominee in recent memory, his statement today that he would veto the DREAM Act if he were president is appalling.  This piece of legislation has been supported by members of both parties.  It is something that Americans can get behind, and it is in line with the spirit of inclusion and diversity of our country that has made our nation great.  But Mitt Romney has shown once again that he is out of touch and far to the right of even members of his own party, and that he would not represent the best interest of middle class Americans, those still trying to reach the middle class, and Hispanics in the country.  This is in direct contrast to President Obama who strongly supports opening the American Dream for hard-working, patriotic young people who are leaders in their communities today and who are looking for an opportunity to attend college or serve our country in the military, but who can’t, through no fault of their own.

[Video By ecompit]


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