Rep. Luis Gutierrez Demands Apology From Governor

El Gallito Rebelde is at it again. IL Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez  addressed Congress on the Civil rights violation committed against the Puerto Rican people by the Puerto Rican police department. Rep. Gutierrez asked Congress to indict those responsible stating,

I want to see the special prosecutor appointed, the Grand Jury seated, the trials begun, and to see those responsible — and not just the police officers following orders, but those who directed the police to systematically repress free speech — sent to jail.

Gutierrez also demanded an apology from Governor  Luis Fortuño:

The Governor of Puerto Rico should apologize to his people. Puerto Ricans have called out for help.  In response, the governor and his ruling party have led an effort to demonize them for standing up for their civil rights. Governor, the Department of Justice has just made clear that your people were right and you were wrong. It’s time to say you’re sorry.

Here is the full address by Rep. Luis Gutierrez to Congress:


[Video By Rep. Luis Gutierrez]

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