The Top 5 Stereotypes Of Latino Professionals

So, before I was a bloguera suprema, I used to be a kink in the corporate machine. I can’t say that was the happiest time of my life, not least of which because I, like many other Latino professionals I know, was subject to strange, stereotyped expectations. What do you think, have you experienced these or did I miss any?

  1. You’re always late. You know, because you’re on Mexican time, you can never make it on time anywhere. So you get the, “Ah, wow, you’re early!” remarks from time to time. Truth is, you’re never more early or more late than anyone else, it’s just that nobody notices when you’re early.
  2. You laugh or talk too loudly. Ever have that conversation at work, where everyone starts laughing, but then everyone gets silent and begins to stare at you, or nudges you on the arm, or puts their finger to their mouth to “hush,” as though you were being particularly loud? How does that happen, everyone else can laugh or talk loudly but not you?
  3. You have a short tempter. You know, ’cause you’re Latin. If you get upset about something, it’s your temper, if you are emphatic, you are excitable, if you use strong words, you’re out of control. You just can’t control yourself  and start sputtering in Spanish — like Ricky Ricardo!
  4. You’re spicy/overly sexual. You wear something a little tight, you’re Salma Hayek! Or a little brightly colored, you’re Carmen Miranda! You just can’t help yourself, I guess, because being overly sexual and spicy is in your genes, you are secretly Frida Kahlo.
  5. You’re just biding your time to breed. That’s right, because Latinos have, like, 50 kids, right? You don’t want any? Just one? Why are you studying for a Master’s, shouldn’t you be getting married? You sure you want this promotion, it’s a lot of hours.

Those are the few I came up with, though I think we can all agree there are many, many more. Which ones did I miss?

Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD

[Photo By Hallenser]

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