Guapura 101: 5 Healthy Things You Can Do Today
Hey ladies, so I realize that sometimes when you say “eat healthy” or “be healthy” it doesn’t really make any sense. What is healthy? What is good food? I figure it’d be good to share a few tips, ones that really matter especially if diabetes is a concern for you, here they are.
1. Don’t take sugar in your coffee — that includes those sugary creamers.
2. Eat protein (eggs, beans, yogurt) in the morning, not carbs (bread, donuts).
3. Drink iced tea instead of soda and drink as much water as you can.
4. Eat an apple, carrots, celery, walnuts, almonds, trail mix, anything else just about than chips.
5. Get a good nights’ sleep.
So you might be wondering why I think these are healthy, well I’m going to tell you why. Sugar and sugary creamers early in the morning will make your sugar spike, which isn’t good for you, plus it’s not going to mess with how full you feel when you eat. On that note, if you eat bread or sweets in the morning instead of protein, you’re going to get hungry sooner because you’re not really satiated.
Soda, as we all know, is full of sugar, which for many of the aforementioned reasons, isn’t good for you. What’s more, if diabetes runs in your family as it does mine, it’s probably the last thing you should be drinking. Whereas, water is great, helps you feel good and cleans you out with each sip.
Bread, as we all know, is sugar in another form. So if you’re hungry and then eat a boat load of carbs, it’s not going to do good things for you. Whereas, fruits, veggies and nuts have the good stuff that your body craves between meals.
Finally, sleeping is good for you for every possible reason you can imagine. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you might overeat or feel bad and then eat too much of the wrong thing. Let me know if I missed any!
Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD
[Photo By Joefoodie]