How I Went From Tech-Phobic To Tech-Savvy

First off, I do not consider myself to be the most technologically savvy person in the world, but, given where I was two years ago, I’d say I’ve some a long, long way. I was like you once, I thought that technology was for everyone else, “those people” who understood “all of that stuff.” But then, life changed, and I was forced to change with it when I went from being a daily newspaper reporter to a tech blogger.

I was telling a friend recently that I consider myself to be a fluke. I didn’t grow up intending to become acquainted with technology, as I didn’t think it was something that was “for me.” Now that I’m older and I look back, I don’t why I was a high school student in AP Calculus and Chemistry who thought that technology was beyond her reach, but that’s fodder for another column.

What I wanted to share here was the fact that, if I could do it, you can, too. On News Taco we’ve had other writers talk about how Latinos are perfect candidates for careers in technology, and we’ve also written about technology and how Latinos own or plan to own new technology at rates higher than other ethnic groups. So, clearly, you and I and your friends are all involved in technology, it’s just a matter of getting from not knowing anything to knowing something.

And because not everyone has the chance to work for a tech blog like some of us, I think it’s important to let you know that there are lots of resources on the Internet for understanding technology. If you purchase an Apple product, you can also utilize that companies’ experts (guess how I learned to make the News Taco videos!). Google things you don’t understand, ask around amongst your friends and neighbors, because I guarantee you that there’s someone around who probably can answer your question.

We as Latinos have to start to think differently about where we fit along the technological spectrum. Tell your friends, your kids, your neighbors, your siblings to think about pursuing careers in technology. I guarantee you that, if I can do it, you can, too. And even if people sound imposing with their fancy schmancy technological words, once you learn what they’re talking about, it won’t be so scary. I promise you that, if you want to pursue a career in technology, you can do it as long as you have the secret ingredient: hard work.

Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD

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