43% Of Latinas Living Alone In Poverty

And now for some rather sad news: 43% of Latinas who live alone live in poverty, while 34% of African-American women are in a similar situation. This information comes from the Supplemental Poverty Measure Research, an arm of the U.S. Census Bureau. The SPMR uses additional information, such as out-of-pocket medical expenses and taxes, to take a closer look at peoples’ real incomes.

Additionally, 1 in 6 “older” Americans lives in poverty, according to the National Council on Aging, that’s 16% of seniors living in poverty. You’d think that we’d take better care of our viejitos, but since we’re not taking care of them, they’re taking matters into their own hands. As Victor Landa wrote this week:

A coalition of Latino groups says it has a formula to save Social Security for elderly Latinos. They call themselves Latinos for a Secure Retirement and they have what some people think are sensible proposals to go with their sensible name. Some of the notables in the group, League of United Latin American Citizens, the American GI Forum, the National Hispanic Council on Aging, the Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly, and the Hispanic Federation, say their goals are long-term.

I know my own elderly relatives pinch their pennies enough as it is, and certainly noticed there was no cost of living (COLA) increase in social security this year. Let’s hope upcoming budget cuts are kind to our abuelitos this year.

[Photo By Naty Rive]

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