Latino Third Party: Call it the Tequila Party

It’s not as if the Tea Party gang has the third political party thing all wrapped up. It’s not a new idea – remeber the Raza Unida Party?

Not to be left behind, a group of Latino activists in Nevada is revving-up their energy and support to start a Latino alternative to the Republicans, the Democrats and the Tea’s. Here’s the kicker: they call themselves the Tequila Party (It could be worse, they could call themselves the Taco Party, he said sarcastically).

The Tequila Party is actually no more than an idea spurred by a rumor, but it ‘s good enough to chat-up.  So far the chatter is about a political grass-roots effort in response to, according to the Las Vegas Sun, “frustration over the (Democratic) party’s inaction on immigration reform and fears that as a voting bloc they’re a political afterthought.”

The possibility is that the Tequila Party be set up as an affiliate of the Democratic Party. And before you blow a gasket over this, gimme a chance to explain – I’m just reporting what I’ve seen and read. The formula would mirror the Tea Party, that recently got 40 of their candidates elected across the nation by running as Republicans.

So the Tequileros would run as Democrats but be a defacto fourth party?

It’s still in the idea stage, but isn’t that the way all movements get started?

Any nominations for candidates?

[Photo by Marlon E]

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